- male
- grade_level
- race_cate
- par_BA
- grade09, grade10,...
- black, hisp, white, asian, other
- lunch, miss_lunch
- z_post, z_pre, post, pre
- urban, rural, suburb
Negative R-square problem
Quick note:
When we add covariates to the model, we expect variance to reduce, but we can get negative R-squares from between-school variance. This is because when we adjust for predictors the school averages/intercepts may change for both directions. The between school variance may reduce or may enlarge as the meaning of school averages/intercept changes. Can I simulate the case where between-school variance in fact enlarges?? Maybe this happens when pretest is very different by the two groups.
Variance Almanac of Academic Achievement
Access 2016: Formatting Forms by GCFLearnFree.org
Tidying up a messy Form in Microsoft Access by JonAWF
ACCESS tutorial videos
MS-ACCESS: Create the main form and subforms on tabs
Microsoft Access, Creating forms
When I put subforms into the main form, I need to make sure that the main ID and the sub IDs are all correct. I need to make this correct in three places.
- Highlight the form by clicking on it to activate the property sheet. Find DATA, LINK CHILD FIELDS and specify the correct subID.
- Also remove the solidline.
f you select multiple buttons by pressing and hold Ctrl key, then right click, you should be able to change any common property of the buttons.