The results will be different every time you run this syntax.
proc psmatch data=psm1new2 region=cs;
class FLAG common_district SCHOOL_NAME white;
psmodel FLAG(Treated="Y")=pre_15 common_district gpa
black hispanic asian other
male ;
match method=greedy(order=random) exact=common_district stat=lps caliper=0.25;
output out(obs=match)=outgs2 lps=_Lps matchid=_matchID;
The results are the same/constant.
proc psmatch data=psm1new2 region=cs;
class FLAG common_district SCHOOL_NAME white;
psmodel FLAG(Treated="Y")=pre_15 common_district gpa
black hispanic asian other
male ;
match method=greedy(k=1) exact=common_district stat=lps caliper=0.25;
output out(obs=match)=outgs2 lps=_Lps matchid=_matchID;