Quotmarks Replacer: WordPress APP that fixes quotations

If I directly copy the R statement from the Internet and paste it into my R editor window, quotation marks may create errors.  This is the error I got.

Error: unexpected input in "setwd(“"

Notice it involves “ and ”.  They look aesthetically pleasing as the first one clearly indicate the beginning quote and the second one the quotation end.  R and other software programs do not understand them.  I have to replace them with " for both.

To avoid this on the WordPress site, the following plug-in Quotmarks Replacer by  Tunghsiao Liu  is useful.

I installed it and activated it, so if you copy the following, it should run on R on your machine without a problem.


Note: I am not exactly  sure if it is working right now. I activated it, but I don't see any way to specify options.  Maybe just activating it works, but still when I pasted this here:


It still looks like it is using the old quotation  marks.

I used to use this long time ago and it used to work well.



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